If you think that you might be allergic to certain types of food or that your child might be allergic to something that has been eaten recently, it’s important to have an allergy test done to determine the exact cause. There are several symptoms that go along with food allergies, and if foods consumed have a variety of ingredients that could cause a reaction, a center for food allergy testing Somerset County NJ offers is usually the best way to pinpoint what you need to stay away from in the future. The test is simple and involves lightly pricking the skin with various allergens to see which ones show a reaction.
When you go to the office for the allergy test, you’ll have to complete a few forms and give information about foods that seem to result in itchy skin, redness or other signs of an allergic reaction. A grid is drawn on the arm or on the back depending on how many foods the doctor wants to test for in order to allow for enough space for all of the extracts used. Once the areas are marked off, various food extracts are put on the skin.
After a few moments, the skin is gently scratched or pricked to determine which foods have a reaction with the body and which ones don’t. It usually only takes about 15 minutes to see a reaction if one is going to occur. If there is a raised area, then that food should be left out of the diet. The doctor might want to prescribe an EPI pen in the event of emergencies or prescribe medications that can be taken on a regular basis in case you come in contact with that type of food.
If this kind of test doesn’t work, then the doctor might want to perform a blood test to get a better look at what’s going on in the body and to pinpoint exactly what you’re allergic to instead of guessing. Even if you’re allergic to something, you might not have a reaction at all. However, it’s still important to know for future reference in case you do notice any unusual symptoms.