Gleason 7 Treatment and options

Gleason 7 Treatment

Prostate cancer diagnosis may and often does leave a man wondering just how bad is the diagnosis and what the treatment options are. The Gleason grading system is used and a high but in essence worse score of seven on the scale the answer can be a little on the tricky side as not Gleason sevens are not alike. The difference can be quite large which also means that so can the treatment vary greatly as well as the potential options of treatment.
The Gleason system uses a score calculated by putting together the sum of a score of the two most common patterns observed by pathologists under a microscope. A score of four indicates a very mild cancer while a score of 10 is representative of an aggressive form of cancer. The sum of the two numbers in a Gleason score of seven is come up with in two different ways, with an observation of 3 in one patter and 4 in the other or 4 in the first and 3 in the second.

When the Gleason score is 4+3 the tumors are more aggressive than are that of a 3 +4 score which is less predictive of the exact stage of the disease when the patient goes under the knife. When a score of seven occurs in the Gleason system, surgery is pretty much unavoidable in the way of treatment and recovery while medicines are certain to be prescribed and have been developed as science and medicine have been also through research and findings of research. More often than not the vast majority of seventy five percent usually has the less aggressive form of Gleason 7 cancer which means less harsh treatment and better recovery and survival rates. Not all Gleason seven types are the same and vary beyond just the less and more aggressive, thus treatment options also vary depending what the exact diagnosis is and what stage the patient is in. However even in cases in which the news good, that the prostate cancer is less aggressive, surgery is still unavoidable.

The treatments thereafter consist of follow up doctor and hospital visits that vary on a case by case basis which the doctors and surgeons recommend as diagnosis are made. The same goes for medications and dieting which as research continues are being improved and further developed so as to suit the individual diagnosis’ and the specific needs of the different diagnosis when one is made.