STOTT PILATES®: Is it Right for You?

Stott Pilates Instructor Training at Toronto Corporate Training Center

Among the many modernized versions of Pilates, there is no doubt STOTT PILATES® is definitely one of the most popular.

For those who have tried STOTT PILATES®, this is not surprising.

After all, this progressive approach to Pilates still adheres to the principles taught by Joseph Pilates himself.

To make the practice even better however, exercise science and modern principles of spinal rehabilitation have been incorporated in the equation.

If you want to give STOTT PILATES® a try and would like to know if it’s right for you, the following essentials will have you enlightened in no time.


STOTT PILATES® under MerrithewTM was first developed in the 1980s and is continuously being enhanced by Moira and Lindsay Merrithew.

The husband and wife tandem has spent more than two decades refining the method with the help of physical therapists and sports medicine and fitness professionals. The collaboration is done to help warrant the practice is aligned with the latest in scientific and biochemical research.

When Lindsay and Moira Merrithew realized the original Pilates equipment will require the user to make the needed adjustments instead of the other way around, they developed their own STOTT PILATES® equipment line.

Lindsay Merrithew developed their STOTT PILATES® equipment line in 1990. The equipment was designed to accommodate users regardless of height.

On September 9, 2008, they started offering Pilates trainings and certifications. So far, they have trained 24,000 instructors in over 96 countries.

What makes STOTT PILATES® different?

While much of the practice still adheres to the method developed by Joseph Pilates, there are a few distinct differences.

Basically, STOTT PILATES® exercises are designed to restore the natural curves of the spine and to rebalance the muscles found around the joints. To achieve this objective, more emphasis and focus is placed on pelvic and scapular stabilization alongside the incorporation of all the body parts into one.

STOTT PILATES® techniques come with more in depth modifications, making it possible for those with limitations and injuries to safely participate.

Contemporary rehabilitation and exercises principles have also been incorporated to makes the exercises even more effective. In addition, STOTT PILATES® also uses a combination of prep exercises and stabilization equipment to ensure it is effective and safe for everyone.

What are the benefits of STOTT PILATES®?

Acknowledged as one of the safest and most effective exercise programs today, STOTT PILATES® has hundreds of exercises that are easily customizable to tailor each individual’s unique needs.

The smooth and seemingly dance-like motions employed in STOTT PILATES® accompanied by proper breathing will leave the participants refreshed and revitalized after each session.

Other notable benefits of dedicated and committed STOTT PILATES® sessions include the following:

  • Enhanced coordination and balance
  • Ease of movement
  • Improved body awareness
  • Enhanced mobility and strength
  • Improved posture
  • Longer and leaner muscles
  • Improved performance in sports like cycling, golf, skiing, cricket, running, rugby, and football among others
  • Low impact and easy on the joints
  • Improved balance, circulation, and coordination
  • Reduced back aches and general pains
  • Can be tailored to suit all participants, from top athletes to rehab patients

Is STOTT PILATES® right for you?

STOTT PILATES® can be done by almost anyone with only a very few exceptions. If you have any medical conditions however like joint damage or spinal injury, it would be best to seek the advice of a medical professional first.

In most cases, you will be allowed to participate but will likely be asked to do the modified versions of the exercises. The amazing thing about STOTT PILATES® is the exercise science and the intense anatomy study that went into its development will likely have any of your medical concerns already covered.

In essence, as long as you possess the physical capability to exercise, STOTT PILATES® can definitely help you reach your fitness goals, whatever they may be.